Links - Slide Shows - Video Productions

Use the link below to submit information about a specific detail (presentation TITLE, Slide NUMBER, or VIDEO TIME.

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Slide Shows:

Slide Shows will require a few minutes to download.  Simply opening is not recommended.
Slide show scenes will have numbers on them. 
You are encouraged to post a story about one of the numbered scenes.
Use the scene number and the "Submit Information" link above. 

    The White Book of Memories
    The Green Book of Memories

    Family Visits - as of August 2, 2104 - Posted Stories

Video Productions:

    "Good Times" by Melissa Phelan

    Tribute to Ralph William Thomas:
          1 Military Tribute
          2 Prayer
          3 Warm Tribute with a Laugh or Two

          4 Guitar and Song
          5 Stories


Family Visits - Posted Stories:

Slide 35 - by Joe Lacroix.  It was in January of 1985 and I was on my way to report to the US Army Organization and Effectiveness Center and School in Monterey, California.  This would be a dramatic change in my military career as it marked the end of my assignment with the Selective Service System and began a whole new chapter in Organization Development.  Ralph and family were located on the way to Monterey, so I opted to stop and visited for just a bit.  That turned into a brief tour of the Hospital in which he worked and an invitation to see his home.  With an unannounced visit I was stunned at the reception and hospitality.  Although short, I have long remembered the warmth of that time together.